mercoledì 30 aprile 2008
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In some primitive elements of the societies of developing countries, and of some developed countries, there exists the belief that illness comes from the displeasure of an¬cestral gods and evil spirits, from the malign influence of evil disposed persons, or from natural phenomena that can neither he forecast nor controlled. To deal with such causes there are many varieties of indigenous healers who practice elaborate rituals on behalf of both the physically ill and the mentally afflicled. If it is understood that such beliefs, and other forms of shamanism, may provide a basis upon which health care can be based, then primary health care may he said to exist almost everywhere. It is not only easily available but also readily acceptable, and often preferred, to more rational methods of diagnosis and treatment. Although such methods may sometimes be harmful, they may often be effective, especially where the cause is psychosomatic. Other patients, however, may suffer from a disease for which there is a cure in mod¬ern medicine. arava tablets Costs of health care. The costs to national economics of providing health care are considerable and have been growing at a rapidly increasing rate, especially in countries such as the United States, Germany, and Sweden; the rise in Britain has been less rapid. This trend has been the cause of major concerns in both developed and developing countries. Some of this concern is based upon the lack of any consistent evidence to show that more spending on health care produces better health. There is a movement in developing countries to replace the type of organization of health-care services that evolved during European colo¬nial times with some less expensive, and for them, more appropriate, health-care system. arava tablets A pan of the health service available to children in the developed countries is that devoted to child guidance. This provides psychiatric guidance to maladjusted children usu¬ally through the cooperative work of a child psychiatrist, educational psychologist, and schoolteacher. baltimore maryland arava lawyer Whenever practicable, new operations are tried on animals before they are tried on patients. This practice is particularly relevant to organ transplants. Surgeons them¬selvesnot experimental physiologiststransplanted kid¬neys, livers, and hearts in animals before attempting these procedures on patients. Experiments on animals are of limited value, however, because animals do not suffer from all of the same maladies as do humans. side affects of arava Expansion of knowledge both in depth and in range has encouraged the development of new forms of treat-ment that require high degrees of specialization, such as organ transplantation and exchange transfusion; the field of anesthesiology has grown increasingly complex as equipment and anesthetics have improved. New technolo¬gies have introduced microsurgery, laser beam surgery, and lens implantation (for cataract patients), all requiring the specialist's skill. Precision in diagnosis has markedly improved; advances in radiology, the use of ultrasound, computerized axial tomography (CAT scan), and nuclear magnetic resonance imaging are examples of the extension of technology requiring expertise in the field of medicine. arava tablets The vast majority of patients can be fully dealt with at the primary level. Those who cannot are referred to the second tier (secondary health care, or the referral services) for the opinion of a consultant with specialized knowledge or for X-ray examinations and special tests. Secondary health care often requires the technology offered by a local or regional hospital. Increasingly, however, the radiological and laboratory services provided by hospitals are available directly to the family doctor, thus improving his service to palings and increasing its range. The third tier of health care employing specialist services, is offered by institu¬tions such as leaching hospitals and units devoted to the care of particular groupswomen, children, patients with mental disorders, and so on. The dramatic differences in the cost of treatment at the various levels is a matter of particular importance in developing countries, where the cost of treatment for patients at the primary health-care level is usually only a small fraction of that at the third level- medical costs at any level in such countries, however, are usually borne by the government. arava forumsPatients in the United States may also choose to be treated by doctors of osteopathy. These doctors are fully qualified, but they make up only a small percentage of the country's physicians. They may also branch off into specialties, hut general practice is much more common in their group than among M.D.'s. arava tablets Throughout China the value of traditional medicine is stressed, especially in the rural areas. All medical schools are encouraged to teach traditional medicine as part of their curriculum, and efforts are made to link colleges of Chinese medicine with Western-type medical schools. Medical education is of shorter duration than it is in Europe, and there is greater emphasis on practical work. Students spend part of their time away from the med-ical school working in factories or in communes; they are encouraged to question what they are taught and to participate in the educational process at all stages. One well-known form of traditional medicine is acupuncture, which is used as a therapeutic and pain-relieving tech¬nique; requiring the insertion of brass-handled needles at various points on the body, acupuncture has become quite prominent as a form of anesthesia.arava tablets huntington beach california arava lawyerCosts of health care. The costs to national economics of providing health care are considerable and have been growing at a rapidly increasing rate, especially in countries such as the United States, Germany, and Sweden; the rise in Britain has been less rapid. This trend has been the cause of major concerns in both developed and developing countries. Some of this concern is based upon the lack of any consistent evidence to show that more spending on health care produces better health. There is a movement in developing countries to replace the type of organization of health-care services that evolved during European colo¬nial times with some less expensive, and for them, more appropriate, health-care system. In peacetime most of the intermediate medical units exist only in skeleton form; the active units are at the battalion and hospital level. When physicians join the medical corps, they may join with specialist qualifications, or they may obtain such qualifications while in the army. A feature of army medicine is promotion to administra¬tive positions. The commanding officer of a hospital and the medical officer at headquarters may have no contacts with actual patients. arava and tuberculosis Developments in modem medical science have made it possible to detect morbid conditions before a person actually feels the effects of the condition. Examples arc many: they include certain forms of cancer; high blood pressure; heart and lung disease; various familial and congenital conditions; disorders of metabolism, like diabetes; and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), the con¬sideration to be made in screening is whether or not such potential patients should be identified by periodic exam¬inations. To do so is to imply that the subjects should be made aware of their condition and, second, that there are effective measures that can be taken to prevent their condition, if they test positive, from worsening. Such so-called specific screening procedures are costly since they involve large numbers of people. Screening may lead to a change in the life-style of many persons, but not all such moves have been shown in the long run to be fully effective. Although screening clinics may not be run by doctors, they are a factor of increasing importance in the, preventive health service. arava tabletsSCREENING PROCEDURES arava pronounced Along with the shortage of physicians, there is a short¬age of everything else needed to provide medical careof equipment, drugs, and suitable buildings, and of nurses, technicians, and all other grades of staff, whose presence is taken for granted in the affluent societies. Yet there are greater percentages of sick in the poor countries than in the rich countries. In the poor countries a high pro¬portion of people are young, and all are liable to many infections, including tuberculosis, syphilis, typhon). and cholera (which, with the possible exception of syphilis, are now rare in the rich countries), and also malaria, yaws. worm infestations, and many other conditions occurring primarily in the warmer climates. Nearly all of these in¬fections respond to the antibiotics and other drugs that have been discovered since the 1920s. There is also much malnutrition and anemia, which can be cured if funding is available. There is a prevalence of disorders remediable by surgery. Preventive medicine can ensure clean water supplies, destroy insects that carry infections, teach hy¬giene, and show how to make the best use of resources. arava tablets India. Ayurvedic medicine is an example of a well-organized system of traditional health care, both preven¬tive and curative, that is widely practiced in parts of Asia. Ayurvedic medicine has a long tradition behind it, having originated in India perhaps as long as 3.000 years ago. It is still a favoured form of health care in large parts of the Eastern world, especially in India, where a large percentage of the population use this system exclusively or combined with modern medicine. The Indian Medical Council was set up in 1971 by the Indian government to establish maintenance of standards for undergraduate and postgraduate education. It establishes suitable qualifi¬cations in Indian medicine and recognizes various forms of traditional practice including Ayurvedic. Unani. and Siddha. Projects have been undertaken to integrate the indigenous Indian and Western forms of medicine. Most Ayurvedic practitioners work in rural areas, providing health care to at least 500,000.000 people in India alone. They therefore represent a major force for primary health care, and their training and deployment are important to the government of India.arava aircraft
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