martedì 29 aprile 2008
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One of the striking characteristics in the medical field in the 20th century has been the development of new drugs, usually by pharmaceutical companies. Until the end of the 19th century, the discovery of new drugs was largely a matter of chance. It was in that period that Paul Ehrlich, the German scientist, began to lay down the principles for modern pharmaceutical research that made possible the development of a vast array of safe and effective drugs. Such benefits, however, bring with them their own disadvantages: it is estimated that as many as 30 percent of patients in, or admitted to, hospitals suffer from the adverse effect of drugs prescribed by a physician for their treatment. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to determine whether a drug has been responsible for some disorder. An example of the difficulty is provided-by the thalidomide disaster between 1959 and 1962. Only after numerous deformed babies had been born through¬out the world did it become clear that thalidomide taken by the mother as a sedative had been responsible. atarax warnings For more information on the history, organization, and progress of public health, see below. drug facts atarax A developing field is aerospace medicine. This involves medical problems that were not experienced before space-flight, for the main reason that humans in space are not under the influence of gravity, a condition that has pro¬found physiological effects. atarax drug interactions An important step forward in clinical research was taken in the mid-20th century with the development of the con¬trolled clinical trial. This sets out to compare two groups of patients, one of which has had some form of treatment that the other group has not. The testing of a new drug is a case in point: one group receives the drug. the her a product identical in appearance, but which is known to be inerta so-called placebo. At the end of the trial, the results of which can be assessed in various ways, it can be determined whether or not the drug is effective and safe. By the same technique two treatments can be compared, for example a new drug against a more fa¬miliar one. Because individuals differ physiologically and psychologically, the allocation of patients between the two groups must be made in a random fashion; some method independent of human choice must be used so that such differences are distributed equally between the two groups. prescription atarax Teaching. Physicians in developed countries frequently prefer posts in hospitals with medical schools. Newly qualified physicians want to work there because doing so will aid their future careers, though the actual experience may be wider and better in a hospital without a medical school. Senior physicians seek careers in hospitals with medical schools because consultant, specialist, or professorial posts there usually carry a high degree of prestige. When the posts are salaried, the salaries are sometimes, but not always, higher than in a nonteaching hospital. Usually a consultant who works in private practice earns more when on the staff of a medical school. chemical composition of atarax Costs of health care. The costs to national economics of providing health care are considerable and have been growing at a rapidly increasing rate, especially in countries such as the United States, Germany, and Sweden; the rise in Britain has been less rapid. This trend has been the cause of major concerns in both developed and developing countries. Some of this concern is based upon the lack of any consistent evidence to show that more spending on health care produces better health. There is a movement in developing countries to replace the type of organization of health-care services that evolved during European colo¬nial times with some less expensive, and for them, more appropriate, health-care system. what does atarax look likeIt is often felt that there are also practical advantages for the patient in having his own doctor, who knows about his background, who has seen him through various ill¬nesses, and who has often looked after his family as well. This personal physician, often a generalist, is in the best position to decide when the patient should be referred to a consultant. atarax 25 mg The advantages of general practice and specialization are combined when the physician of first contact is a pediatrician. Although he sees only children and thus acquires a special knowledge of childhood maladies, he remains a generalist who looks at the whole patient. Another combi¬nation of general practice and specialization is represented by group practice, the members of which partially or fully specialize. One or more may be general practitioners, and one may be a surgeon, a second an obstetrician, a third a pediatrician, and a fourth an internist. In isolated communities group practice may be a satisfactory com¬promise, but in urban regions, where nearly everyone can be sent quickly to a hospital, the specialist surgeon work¬ing in a fully equipped hospital can usually provide better treatment than a general practitioner surgeon in a small clinic hospital.atarax sl80 hydroxyzine ataraxPhysicians in Japan have tended to cluster in the urban areas. The Medical Service Law of 1963 was amended to empower the Ministry of Health and Welfare to control the planning and distribution of future public and non¬profit medical facilities, partly to redress the urban-rural imbalance. Meanwhile, mobile services were expanded. The spectacular improvement in the expectation of life in the affluent countries has been due far more to public health measures than to curative medicine. These public health measures began operation largely in the 19lh cen-tury. At the beginning of that century, drainage and water supply systems were all more or less primitive; nearly all the cities of that time had poorer water and drainage systems than Rome had possessed 1,800 years previ-ously. Infected water supplies caused outbreaks of typhoid, cholera, and other waterborne infections. By the end of the century, at least in the larger cities, water supplies were usually safe. Food-home infections were also drasti¬cally reduced by the enforcement of laws concerned with the preparation, storage, and distribution of food. Insect-borne infections, such as malaria and yellow fever, which were common in tropical and semitropical climates, were eliminated by the destruction of the responsible insects. Fundamental to this improvement in health has been the diminution of poverty, for most public health measures are expensive. The peoples of the developing countries fall sick and sometimes die from infections that are virtually unknown in affluent countries. atarax for dogs with breathing problems A developing field is aerospace medicine. This involves medical problems that were not experienced before space-flight, for the main reason that humans in space are not under the influence of gravity, a condition that has pro¬found physiological effects. atarax identificationAn important step forward in clinical research was taken in the mid-20th century with the development of the con¬trolled clinical trial. This sets out to compare two groups of patients, one of which has had some form of treatment that the other group has not. The testing of a new drug is a case in point: one group receives the drug. the her a product identical in appearance, but which is known to be inerta so-called placebo. At the end of the trial, the results of which can be assessed in various ways, it can be determined whether or not the drug is effective and safe. By the same technique two treatments can be compared, for example a new drug against a more fa¬miliar one. Because individuals differ physiologically and psychologically, the allocation of patients between the two groups must be made in a random fashion; some method independent of human choice must be used so that such differences are distributed equally between the two groups. pediatric dosage for atarax In the developing countries. The developing countries differ from one another culturally, socially, and econom-ically, but what they have in common is a low average income per person, with large percentages of their popula¬tions living at or below the poverty level. Although most have a small elite class, living mainly in the cities, the largest part of their populations live in rural areas. Urban regions in developing and some developed countries in the mid- and late 20th century have developed pockets of slums, which are growing because of an influx of rural peoples. For lack of even the simplest measures, vast num¬bers of urban and rural poor die each year of preventable and curable diseases, often associated with poor hygiene and sanitation, impure water supplies, malnutrition, vita¬min deficiencies, and chronic preventable infections. The effect of these and other deprivations is reflected by the finding that in the 1980s the life expectancy at birth for men and women was about one-third less in Africa than it was in Europe; similarly, infant mortality in Africa was about eight times greater than in Europe. The extension of primary health-care services is therefore a high priority in the developing countries. atarax dangerous Clinical observation. Much of the investigative clinical field work undertaken in the present day requires only relatively simple laboratory facilities because it is observa¬tional rather than experimental in character. A feature of much contemporary medical research is that it requires the collaboration of a number of persons, perhaps not all of them doctors. Despite the advancing technology, there is much to be learned simply from the observation and analysis of the natural history of disease processes as they begin to affect patients, pursue their course, and end, either in their resolution or by the death of the patient. Such studies may be suitably undertaken by physicians working in their offices who are in a better position than doctors working only in hospitals to observe the whole course of an illness. Disease rarely begins in a hospital and usually does not end there. It is notable, however, that observational research is subject to many limitations and pitfalls of interpretation, even when it is carefully planned and meticulously carried out.atarax cream for itching Developments in modem medical science have made it possible to detect morbid conditions before a person actually feels the effects of the condition. Examples arc many: they include certain forms of cancer; high blood pressure; heart and lung disease; various familial and congenital conditions; disorders of metabolism, like diabetes; and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), the con¬sideration to be made in screening is whether or not such potential patients should be identified by periodic exam¬inations. To do so is to imply that the subjects should be made aware of their condition and, second, that there are effective measures that can be taken to prevent their condition, if they test positive, from worsening. Such so-called specific screening procedures are costly since they involve large numbers of people. Screening may lead to a change in the life-style of many persons, but not all such moves have been shown in the long run to be fully effective. Although screening clinics may not be run by doctors, they are a factor of increasing importance in the, preventive health service.
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