mercoledì 16 aprile 2008 Waste Market April 15

Trade Alert 15/04/2008

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3 Featured Listing + Membership

Waste Exchange Mediakits help you for trade waste and promote your events, business, services, products, to thousands of Companies. Should you require any further information, mail to us and we'll send you the detailed offer.

Warmest Regards
Garwer Help Desk
Mauro Pieri

Featured Listings
What is a "Featured Listing?" It is a Listing showing the advertiser full data, giving the advertiser a top exposure to all thousands of companies using our web site.

Title Request We buy PVC scraps
Listing We purchase PVC scrap from electric cables recycling plant. We purchase only clean PVC scrap impurity free. No soil, paper, plastic or other scrap.
Company ALTER ECO srl
Contact Mr. Giovanni Poletti
Address Via S. Giovanni Bosco, 16 - 35010 Limena (PD)
Telephone +39/3487975481
Web site

Title Offer We sell recycled rubber products
Listing We sell Hurban furniture, traffic Management and traffic calming products include speed cushion range, rubberised kerbing, raised tables and BusPad raised boarding area. All products are made with recycled plastic and rubber.
Company ALTER ECO srl
Contact Mr. Giovanni Poletti
Address Via S. Giovanni Bosco, 16 - 35010 Limena (PD)
Telephone +39/3487975481
Web site

Offer Listings

Waste Offer Title: Taiwan machining center CNC Milling Machining Cent416
Waste Offer Category: End of life Vehicles (ELV)/Hazardhous waste/Automotive coolants

Waste Offer Title: PS da vendere
Waste Offer Category: Plastics/PS/PS

Waste Offer Title: Cercasi Smaltitore per Galvanatura codice 110198. Prezzo range max 200-240 Euro Ton.
Waste Offer Category: Metals/Minor Metals/Chromium

Waste Offer Title: pe eva
Waste Offer Category: Plastics/EVA

Waste Offer Category: Paper and cardboard/Cardboard

Waste Offer Title: PVC
Waste Offer Category: Plastics/PVC

Waste Offer Title: LDPE granulato bianco - LDPE white granules
Waste Offer Category: Plastics/PE/LDPE

Waste Offer Title: Offerta Plastica
Waste Offer Category: Plastics/PET

Waste Offer Title: Offerta Carta
Waste Offer Category: Paper and cardboard/Paper

Waste Offer Title: Offerta Vetro
Waste Offer Category: Glass and Fiberglass/Glass Packaging

Waste Offer Title: Polverizzatore Turbo
Waste Offer Category: Industrial Equipment/Plastic Industry

Waste Offer Title: Scrap HDPE Net
Waste Offer Category: Recycled products/Plastic recycled products

Waste Offer Title: Pellets di abete e faggio
Waste Offer Category: Wood/Wooden pellets

Waste Offer Title: Vendita Bancali Eur-Epal 7,90 exv
Waste Offer Category: Wood/Wooden pallets

Waste Offer Title: Vendo Rifiuti di Rame - We sell copper scraps
Waste Offer Category: Recycled products/Other Recycled products

Waste Offer Title: Polvere di Allumina (Al2O3)
Waste Offer Category: Metals/Non ferrous metals/Aluminum

Waste Offer Title: Granulato da PFU
Waste Offer Category: Tyre and Rubber/Tyre/Granul (Tyre Crumb min 1 mm)

Waste Offer Title: Rubber granulate
Waste Offer Category: Tyre and Rubber/Tyre/Granul (Tyre Crumb min 1 mm)

Waste Offer Title: LDPE offerta Ldpe offer
Waste Offer Category: Plastics/PE/LDPE

Waste Offer Title: turbine oil purification plant
Waste Offer Category: Industrial Equipment/Liquids, Oils and Chemicals Industry

Waste Offer Title: engine oil regeneration plant
Waste Offer Category: Industrial Equipment/Liquids, Oils and Chemicals Industry

Waste Offer Title: turbine oil purification plant
Waste Offer Category: Industrial Equipment/Liquids, Oils and Chemicals Industry

Waste Offer Title: acetalica macinata floreale
Waste Offer Category: Plastics/POM

Waste Offer Title: Rubber crumb
Waste Offer Category: Tyre and Rubber/Tyre/Granul (Tyre Crumb min 1 mm)

Waste Offer Category: Plastics/PE/LDPE

Waste Offer Title: Noleggio impianto separatore metalli da fluff
Waste Offer Category: Industrial Equipment/Waste and Recycling Industry

Waste Offer Title: Noleggio caricatore Tabarelli mod 520
Waste Offer Category: Industrial Equipment/Waste and Recycling Industry

Waste Offer Title: Noleggio cesoia per rottami ferrosi
Waste Offer Category: Industrial Equipment/Waste and Recycling Industry

Waste Offer Title: Noleggio trituratore per rifiuti
Waste Offer Category: Industrial Equipment/Waste and Recycling Industry

Waste Offer Title: offerta cippato di legno pulito
Waste Offer Category: Wood/Wood Packaging

Waste Offer Category: Other waste/Used Building Materials/Other Used Building Materials

Waste Offer Title: PC/ABS regrind - macinato da comparto automobilistico
Waste Offer Category: Plastics/ABS/PC

Waste Offer Title: HDPE macinato da tappi
Waste Offer Category: Plastics/PE/HDPE

Waste Offer Title: PC macinato da boccioni (PC regrind from water bottle's)
Waste Offer Category: Plastics/PC

Waste Offer Title: PE MACINATO
Waste Offer Category: Plastics/PE/HDPE

Waste Offer Category: Plastics/PE/LDPE

Waste Offer Title: PP MACINATO
Waste Offer Category: Plastics/PP

Waste Offer Title: HDPE MACINATO
Waste Offer Category: Plastics/PE/HDPE

Waste Offer Title: HMS 1&2 (Isri: 200-206) Available
Waste Offer Category: Metals/Ferrous metals/Steel

Waste Offer Title: PET Flakes available.
Waste Offer Category: Plastics/PET

Waste Offer Title: Offerta servizio recupero materiale da demolizione presso impianto autorizzato e certificato UNI EN ISO 14001:2004. Prego inviare nome e contatti telefonici.
Waste Offer Category: Other waste/Used Building Materials/Other Used Building Materials

Waste Offer Title: Offro materiale inerte riciclato conforme a quanto previsto dal D.M. n°186/2006. Inviare contatti per quotazione.
Waste Offer Category: Recycled products/Other Recycled products

Waste Offer Title: granulato PFU colore verde e marrone - Tyre crumb green and brown
Waste Offer Category: Tyre and Rubber/Tyre/Granul (Tyre Crumb min 1 mm)

Waste Offer Title: 101208 scarti di mattoni (sottoposti a trattamento termico)
Waste Offer Category: Other waste/Minerals, Ceramics and inert waste/Ceramics waste

Waste Offer Title: vendita hdpe da casse macinato
Waste Offer Category: Plastics/PE/HDPE

Waste Offer Title: Biodegradable Master Batch Pellets
Waste Offer Category: Plastics/Other plastics

Waste Offer Title: PC macinato da cd e matarozze
Waste Offer Category: Plastics/PC

Waste Offer Title: Polietilene
Waste Offer Category: Plastics/PE/HDPE

Waste Offer Title: PC regrind from cd recycling
Waste Offer Category: Plastics/PC

Waste Offer Category: Tyre and Rubber/Tyre/Used or Retreaded Tyres

Waste Offer Title: Biodegradable Master Batch Pellets
Waste Offer Category: Plastics/Other plastics

Waste Offer Title: We Sell PP densified
Waste Offer Category: Plastics/PP

Waste Offer Title: PC regrind OFFER
Waste Offer Category: Plastics/PC

Waste Offer Title: ACP
Waste Offer Category: Other waste/Used Building Materials/Other Used Building Materials

Waste Offer Title: Tubi in Polietilene - PE pipes
Waste Offer Category: Plastics/PE/HDPE

Waste Offer Title: Gomme usate
Waste Offer Category: Tyre and Rubber/Rubber/Other Rubber

Waste Offer Title: pp densificato da moquette
Waste Offer Category: Plastics/PP

Waste Offer Title: used rail scrap
Waste Offer Category: Metals/Ferrous metals/Steel

Waste Offer Title: Vendo caricatore Tabarelli revisionato
Waste Offer Category: Industrial Equipment/Other Used Equipment

Waste Offer Title: Vendo caricatore Tabarelli
Waste Offer Category: Industrial Equipment/Other Used Equipment

Waste Offer Title: Vendo Fiat 190/42
Waste Offer Category: Industrial Equipment/Other Used Equipment

Request Listings

Waste Request Title: ANY PET FLAKE WANTED
Waste Request Category: Plastics/PET

Waste Request Title: PET FLAKE WANTED
Waste Request Category: Plastics/PET

Waste Request Title: PET flake / Pellet
Waste Request Category: Plastics/PET

Waste Request Title: PET and PVB Scrap
Waste Request Category: Plastics/PET

Waste Request Title: SAN scraps
Waste Request Category: Plastics/SAN

Waste Request Title: ABS scraps
Waste Request Category: Plastics/ABS

Waste Request Title: PS scraps
Waste Request Category: Plastics/PS/PS

Waste Request Title: POM scraps
Waste Request Category: Plastics/POM

Waste Request Title: newsprint scrap sheets on reels
Waste Request Category: Paper and cardboard/Paper

Waste Request Title: RITIRIAMO GRATUITAMENTE INFORMATICA USATA! We want electronic scraps.
Waste Request Category: WEEE /Office Equipment /Copiers

Waste Request Title: Ricerchiamo PA Macinato con o senza cariche. We need PA scraps
Waste Request Category: Plastics/PA

Waste Request Category: Other waste/Other

Waste Request Title: Cerco trituratore
Waste Request Category: Industrial Equipment/Waste and Recycling Industry

Waste Request Title: We purchase used battery - comprare batterie usate
Waste Request Category: End of life Vehicles (ELV)/Hazardhous waste/Batteries

Waste Request Title: rottami ferrosi da demolizione industriale - we purchase ferrous scrap
Waste Request Category: Metals/Ferrous metals/Iron

Waste Request Title: Cerchiamo PE rigenerato grigio da imballi post-consumo. We purchase reprocessed PE
Waste Request Category: Plastics/PE/HDPE

Waste Request Title: Granulato da cavo - We need granules from cables
Waste Request Category: Plastics/Other plastics

Waste Request Title: buy pvc film scrap
Waste Request Category: Plastics/PVC

Waste Request Title: pvb
Waste Request Category: Plastics/PVB

Waste Request Title: Scarti da attività agroalimentari e altri compostabili
Waste Request Category: Organic waste & compost/Other organic waste

Waste Request Title: Traversine in legno da ferrovia
Waste Request Category: Waste for Energy /Wood

Waste Request Title: cerco impianto per smaltimento traversine ferroviarie
Waste Request Category: Wood/Wood Sleepers

Waste Request Title: Richiesta pneumatici usati - We need used tyres
Waste Request Category: Tyre and Rubber/Tyre/Shredded Tyres (TDF)

Waste Request Title: manufactures over stock merchandise
Waste Request Category: Plastics/PET

Waste Request Title: stainless steel scrap 304 and 316
Waste Request Category: Metals/Ferrous metals/Steel

Waste Request Title: pp waste
Waste Request Category: Plastics/PP

Waste Request Title: Compriamo Rottami Metallici
Waste Request Category: Metals/Non ferrous metals/Mixed metals

Waste Request Title: Compriamo Rottami Rame - We purchase copper scraps
Waste Request Category: Metals/Non ferrous metals/Copper & Cables

Waste Request Title: Compriamo Rottami Alluminio - we purchase Al scraps
Waste Request Category: Metals/Non ferrous metals/Aluminum

Waste Request Title: used rails - hms
Waste Request Category: Metals/Ferrous metals/Other ferrous metals

Waste Request Title: CDR
Waste Request Category: Waste for Energy /RDF

Waste Request Title: prendere pneumatici usati/valorizzazione energetica
Waste Request Category: Tyre and Rubber/Tyre/Shredded Tyres (TDF)

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